Who are the Vampires

There are sev­en vam­pires and they take turns to tell their life story.. 


The first is Robert, who is unhap­py for hav­ing been born in a blood-thirsty fam­i­ly that prays on inno­cent humans Robert, a veg­e­tar­i­an and a paci­fist, sees them leav­ing their cave armed like this:

Ilus. A. Oțoiu


The sec­ond is Tama­ra, a vam­pire-girl at the MCO (Mon­ster-Child Orphan­age) who has a lot of fun­ny –if some­times scary– friends. Togeth­er they will find out a dark secret that lies deep down at the end of these stairs:


The third is Ileana. A princes who runs away from home, leav­ing her enchant­ed island, and then encoun­ters a lot of dan­gers and bizarre crea­tures in a dark and vio­lent world. She meets a uni­corn that can com­mu­ni­cate tele­path­i­cal­ly, then a seam­stress who used to be a mer­maid, a sav­age girl who is a sur­vivor of ter­ri­ble mishaps, and a mad scientist…



Beti si a a girl who is a mem­ber of a com­man­do fight­ing vam­pires; vic­tim of unhap­py cir­cum­stance, she ends up hav­ing to join her enemies:


Becky is Beti’s cousin, a Newyork­er who did not believe in vam­pires until she turned her­self into one. This makes her dis­cov­er her super­nat­ur­al pow­ers. Her invis­i­bil­i­ty will become a use­ful weapon to defeat the mag­ic of the Black Diamond..

Her lessons of witch­es’ flight will also turn out to be useful. 


Lola is a cute cat, whom every­one used to love, who is turned into a vam­pire-cat as a result of a nefar­i­ous exper­i­ment. Now hat­ed and despised by all the feline pop­u­la­tion, she is strug­gling to find her own place in a world that belongs to the rich and the beautiful.


Lord Fabi­an, the host of the Reunion, is Dracula’s for­got­ten broth­er. An eter­nal los­er, he is as mer­ci­ful and humane as his famous broth­er was cruel.

Among the novel’s mul­ti-species cast you will encounter witch­es, tough guys clad in bik­ers’ suits, kind-heart­ed drag­ons, were­wolves, mum­mies, cen­taurs, mino­taurs, snob­bish tom-cats, cir­cus peo­ple, free­dom-lov­ing pirates, karate cham­pi­on grannies, trai­tors and vil­lains, but also a lot of heroes and heroines.


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