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September 2009 Session

Note: To better identify your class, I added between brackets the year when you entered university.

First year subjects

Intro Teo Text 1.1
Academic Essay 1.1
Academic Essay 1.2 (Argumentative)
Brit.Lit. Augustan 1.2
LRE-2 students (2008) - exam # 2
LRE-3 students (2008) - exam # 3

Second year subjects

Brit.Lit. Victorian 2.1
Brit.Lit. Modernism 2.2
Technical English 2.2

Third year subjects

Postmodernism 3.2
Postcolonial Studies 3.1
American Modernism 3.1
LRE-3 alumni (2005) exam #7

A Note about grading the forum activity.

Grading forum activity followed the same principles as grading seminar activity. The only difference is that you did not ge an automatic point for presence.

Unlike some of you might think, one post is NOT equal to one point. (I sense that many of you have tried to artificially multiply your posts, bu splitting them into many parts. Sorry, it did not work!)

Points were attributed as follows: